One of the best ways to capture an interior Real Estate photo, is the use the HDR exposure bracketing technique, on a DSLR camera. What this allows you to do is to take multiple images with different exposure values that properly allow the best shutter speed for the mid-tones, shadows, and highlights. With the use of a tripod and a timed release of the shutter, you do not need to manual fire it off every time. Instead, set your settings and define the level of bracket exposure then take the series of shots. 

Once you get your images captured, then you must bled them together in a post processing editing application, like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom. There you will define all of your tone mapping setting and fine tune the exposure to get the perfect image. Ideally this will help for taking interior locations with bright windows, because the light meter on the DSLR isn't smart enough to not under exposure the rest of your scene when it's compensating for the amount of light coming in through the windows. 

Take a look at a few examples below and on the Real Estate page. 

Real Estate HDR Sample
Real Estate HDR Photography Sample
Real Estate HDR Photography Sample 2